Thursday, December 09, 2010

Carbon High Racer

La mise au point du High Racer carbone touche à sa fin. La présentation officielle se fera très prochainement. En attendant j'ai bien tiré la langue... de carbone.

The final tuning of the carbon High racer is nearly over. The official presentation will be done very soon. In the mean time, it was hard work and I now have a soar tongue.


Anonymous Juan said...

Hi Speedy, first I want to say that you have made an amazing job, all the models looks awesome. Now I want to try it myself, and I have a few questions for you.
Here (Argentina) I get a white extruded polyestyrene
(called "Polyfan") of 36 gms/dm3 but I don`t know if it can replace de styrofoam, do you
have any knowledge about it?

2- Can I use carbon 192 gms/m2 12k plain (8 layers)?

Thanks in advanced and best regards,

1:28 PM  
Blogger Speedy said...

Hi Juan,
1- Styrofoam is a brand and I think that your foam is identical so yes, you can use it.
2- 12K will be difficult to use because the fibers are loose. You better of using 3K, 285g/m2 because it is easier to wrap around the foam former and it is ofter cheaper than 200g. I can't tell you the number of layers because I don't know your frame X-section and your building knowledge. the frame section must be 60mm wide minimum and about 90mm deep under the seat for a frame of about 1800g. Don't go below that weight for your first frame. Check the stiffness before painting the frame.
Good luck and post me a picture of the finished bike.

5:51 PM  

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